Dreams · Energy Medicine

Dream: Walk Your Time

I’m approaching the eating area after a workshop or seminar. I wish the others would hurry up because I’m hungry. As I go to sit down a few tables from the center where the top teachers and leaders will be, a promoter guy beckons me over. I’m surprised, but sit down at the bigwig table. He’s a chatty annoying guy, tolerated by the famous folks but seeming to have little to contribute himself.

People are finally starting to arrive, talking casually with each other. I recognize some famous teachers and am a bit star-struck. Is that Jimi Hendrix sitting in front of me, his back to me like we’re in the same row of desks in school? I whisper to my friend about him, and he reaches his left arm back and over his head to give me a High Five! Then I spot another male head with a gray buzz-cut, and say to my friend, “That’s the Mighty Quinn!’.


A nervous young woman gets up to sing in a quavering voice, performing the ballad “Walk Your Time”. As students, each of us has to do this, with words that we composed about our own life experience, to give guidance to others about making the most of their gifts and talents and time here. The ballad always ends with the line “As you walk your Time” or “Before you walk your Time”, with “Time” meaning time on earth, or life-time. It’s a big meaning, like living your true purpose, or fulfilling your destiny.

I feel sorry for the nervous young woman, as whatever message she has is getting lost in her poor presentation. I don’t have a melodic voice myself, but I have good lungs, and vow to sing clearly and to project, keeping my breath full and low in my chest. Jimi reaches back to give me another High Five of encouragement, and my heart leaps with a little thrill of being supported.

I wake up very grateful for this dream, of associating with top teachers and performers. I think of Jimi Hendrix from my generation whose stunning talent and shining career potential was cut short. I think of an upcoming big presentation I’ll have to make in a few months to a revered teacher about my work, and that yes, I’m concerned about it. Maybe I can channel Jimi to help me, and I’ll rock it!

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